


Take One



Microsoft Tasks and Time Management
Teaching adults is a like herding cats: they tend to have a mind of their own. Adults like to learn independently. They certainly want to choose their own options during the breaks. Some congregate by the hot coffee, others step outside to the smokers' depot. A 10 minute break can stretch out to 15 or 20 minutes as the strays return to the computer lab.

People are Programmable
The best uses of adaptive technology was in the High School Summer Challenge: a transition program that teaches Adobe Flash animation. We had about a dozen young adults wandering wide-eyed at Mott Community College.

As part of the Life Coaching each student received an iPod Touch to schedule their classes, their work hours and their transportation. One of the first things we programmed was the Reminder: Break Over. The Reminder chimed and everyone returned at once.
OK, that worked.

So are Tasks and Meetings
This lesson will look at ways to use Microsoft Outlook 365 to stay on cue. We will begin with Tasks and then look at the some advanced Calendar options. Let's get started...